After you have read enough emails, website sales copy, e-books, and email courses, some ideas begin to stick in your head. You may not be able to use them all, but with a little effort, you can pick out the best of those ideas and turn them into money in the bank. Ideas to earn money are not always free, but if you keep an eye out for them, they may appear from the most unlikely places.
Idea number 1 - Broker Web Hosting Service
This is a combination of online and off-line marketing and I am told it works very well. There is a lot of competition on the Intern these days so I do not recommend that you market this business online for the time being unless you have a big marketing budget. The best way to do this is to register as a reseller with a hosting company such as gator host. They will give you lots of hosting space for less than $29 a month.
Divide up this space into smaller accounts and then sell this to local small businesses owners near you who do not have a website. It is easier to target small business owners because they will see the value of having their own website and domain name rather quickly.
To make this work, you may have to throw in some incentive such as website design, monetization of the sites, and perhaps some other incentives such as automatic submission of each site to directories and search engines. Do not forget that you could also buy the domain name on behalf of each client, and later on you can sell that same domain name back to each client, especially when the domain gets some traffic and back links.
Idea number 2 - Become a Ghost Writer for Other Marketers
There are many online entrepreneurs like myself who need fresh and unique articles on a variety of subjects on a regular basis. Consider writing articles for people like me and sell them on the Internet. Visit digital point forum for ideas. There are several ways to do this. You could write a bunch of articles and sell to a limited number of people, say around 50 people and each person would pay you a discounted price for a bunch of articles. For example, you may charge around $25.00 for a bunch of 10 articles on a particular subject.
If your articles are unique for each person, you may charge more for every each batch of articles you sell. Consider a range of $50 to $85.00 for a batch of 10 articles. You would not however, sell that same bunch of articles to anyone else. There are many people using this strategy right now, and naturally I think it is a great idea to earn money. You can start your research by looking at places such as rent-a-coder, or just look for free lance writers in your favorite search engine.
Idea number 3 - Become an Affiliate Marketer Using Bum Marketing
Used as an idea to earn money bum marketing is taking off like a rocket. I use it myself. Done properly, you can even make a six figure income each year with this single idea. The gist of bum marketing is to find products or services that you know will sell, create a free affiliate link from the publisher of these products or services, and sell on the Internet by using articles submitted to article directories.
Search engines will love your articles as long as they are not copied from elsewhere. Some article directories are more popular than others so your results will be faster. You can begin your search for products at places such as clickbank, paydotcom, or commission junction.
Finding the products you want to sell and setting up the affiliate links are the easy part. Finding a way to get qualified people to see your links is not so easy to do. Here are a few ideas on how you can do this. Begin by creating some kind of review page. You can do this free at places like squidoo or hub pages. Once you set up a simple review site for the product, send traffic to this free site. You can use traffic exchanges, free directories, in addition to writing articles and sending them to article directories with a link back to your review page.
As long as your articles are useful, people will read them, then click on the links you have provided in order to see what product or service you are recommending. So as you can see, you can find lots of ideas to earn money and implement them without much cash or sometimes without any cash at all. I do this and I make sales, so I am sure that you can earn money from this idea too